During my undergraduate studies, I conceptualized and crafted a compact logo for a fictional animation studio, initially brought to life through 2D animation in After Effects. In a creative evolution, I decided to transition the animation to 3D, aiming to infuse an added layer of depth and sophistication.
My vision for the company's animation was to create an atmosphere of suspense, gradually unraveling intricate details throughout the sequence, leading to a climactic and impactful reveal at the conclusion.
The Process and Sketches

My first animation for Thyme Bomb Studios all created in After Effects

Design 1 for 3D design

Design 1 for 3D design

Design 2 for 3D design

Design 2 for 3D design

Design 3 for 3D design

Design 3 for 3D design

Design 4 for 3D design

Design 4 for 3D design

Final Renders
Close up render of "THYME"

Close-up render of "THYME"

Close-up render of "BOMB"

Close-up render of "BOMB"

Full render of the whole logo bottom to top view

Full render of the whole logo bottom to top view

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